Do what they DID. Not what they DO.

The odds are good that no matter what goal you have or what you want to achieve someone (likely millions of someone’s) have done it before.

This means they’ve already paved the path. Made all the mistakes. And can provide clues and often outright specifics for how to achieve the exact same thing.

The problem occurs though when you base your actions on what they’re currently doing now, rather than what they did to get there. Two very different things.

Trying to copy and model what they’re doing now is a recipe for overwhelm, frustration, and failure. It ignores the principles and fundamentals and focuses too much on the flashy tactics and polish.

Reverse engineering their early days however allows you to see, and then emulate, the easy and repeatable basics. The practice. The (often slow) accumulation of skills and experiences.

The kinds of things anyone can do. And then you can get started with right now.